Sunday, January 25, 2009

Brain Tumour

Brain tumour

Why brain tumours cause symptoms?

Brain tumours cause symptoms for two reasons. Firstly, because they take up space inside the skull as they grow. Secondly, because of where they are in the brain. There is more information below on the symptoms related to the space brain tumours take up and symptoms related to the position of the tumour in the brain.

The most common symptoms

The most common symptoms of brain tumour people have when they first go to the doctor are headaches and fits. But do remember, brain tumours are rare causes of both headaches and fits. There are much more common reasons for both these symptoms. So if you have either of these, do go to the doctor as soon as possible, but try not to panic or worry too much until you find out more.
Increased pressure in the headAs the skull is made of bone, there is a fixed amount of space for the brain to take up. The growing tumour increases the pressure inside this fixed space. You may hear this called 'raised intracranial pressure' or raised ICP. The increase in pressure causes

You should go to your doctor if
You are getting very bad headaches
You have started getting headaches, but do not usually do so
You are getting them more and more often
You are getting headaches and sickness togetherAbout 1 in 3 people with a brain tumour first go to their doctor with headaches. A headache caused by a brain tumour tends to be quite bad. But in some people, they can be mild enough to be controlled with paracetamol.

Headaches may last for a long time.

They may be worse first thing in the morning and get better during the day. Anything that increases the pressure in your head can make the headache worse again, such as bending over, coughing and sneezing, exercising or even shouting.With a brain tumour, feeling sick may also be worse in the morning. You may actually be sick.

You may also have hiccoughs (hiccups).

Drowsiness is usually a later symptom of a brain tumour. As the tumour grows and the pressure inside the head increases, you may sleep more than usual. Or find yourself dropping off during the day. If this is not treated, you could eventually become more difficult to wake and then become unconscious.Raised intracranial pressure can also cause
Problems with your eyes
About 1 in 4 people with a brain tumour have fits when they first go to their doctor.

A fit can just be jerking or twitching of a hand, arm or leg. Or they may affect the whole body. Some fits just cause a moment of unconsciousness.

Fits can often be controlled with drugs called anti-epileptics. And if your brain tumour is successfully treated, they may stop completely. In some cases, fits continue even after successful treatment because of scar tissue left in the brain. They may then be easier to control with anti-fit medication (anti-epileptic drugs).Having a fit is very frightening. There are many different causes of fits and it is important to go to your doctor if you have one.

As a brain tumour grows, it will press on the brain tissue around it. So it will affect the part of the body, or the body process, that is controlled by that part of the brain.Here are symptoms that can be caused by tumours in different parts of the brain and the spinal cord:

Frontal lobe
Changes in personality
Swearing or behaving in a way that you normally wouldn't (loss of inhibitions)
Losing interest in life (apathy)
Difficulty with planning and organising
Being irritable or aggressive
Weakness in part of the face, or on one side of the body
Difficulty walking
Loss of sense of smell
Problems with your sight or speech

Temporal lobe
Forgetting words
Short term memory loss
Fits associated with strange feelings, smells or déjà vu (a feeling you have been somewhere or done something before)

Parietal lobe
Difficulty speaking or understanding what is said to you
Problems with reading or writing
Loss of feeling in part of the body

Occipital lobe
Sight problems or loss of vision on one side

Hindbrain (cerebellum)
Poor co-ordination
Uncontrolled movement of the eyes
Neck stiffness

Brain stem
Poor co-ordination
Drooping eyelid or mouth on one side
Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty speaking
Seeing double

Spinal cord
Numbness in part of the body
Weakness in the legs or arms
Loss of control of the bladder or bowel

Pituitary gland
Irregular or infrequent periods
Infertility in men and women
Lack of energy
Weight gain
Mood swings
High blood pressure
Enlarged hands and feet
Nerves controlling sight
Failing sight
Hearing nerves
Failing hearing

Sight problems
Problems with movement

Remember - any of these symptoms could be caused by another illness. If you are worried, you should go to your doctor. They will send you to a specialist if there is any cause for concern.Sometimes tumours in the frontal or temporal lobes of the forebrain can grow to quite a size with very few symptoms. In elderly people, vague symptoms of memory loss, personality changes and difficulty walking can be put down to getting older. If several symptoms like these develop over less than 6 months, it is worth checking with your doctor


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