Saturday, June 6, 2009

"Be Thankful For Every Day You Have To Spend With Those You Love"

Hey there my good friends!

It's Tracy, to tell you 2 things.

Why am I telling you to be thankful? Well, because 3 days ago, my husband was involved in a severe auto accident that completely totaled my little Toyota.

He was hit head on by a drunk driver on his way to the grocery store...He's sort of a night owl and likes to go shopping late at night when there isn't heavy grocery traffic ;-)

A van pulled out in front of him and came straight for him in the wrong lane!! Then BANG! My car was hit, skidded about 20 feet from the road, and luckily there were other motorists behind him that called the police immediately.

I was taken by police escort to the hospital at around 2:35 am, which was scary seeing police at this time. That's when you KNOW something is very, very wrong. They were very professional and polite letting me know that my husband was all right, but he was injured, and that the accident wasn't his fault :-D Lovely police ;-)

The story gets even scarier though.

My husband told me the day after the accident that he was planning on taking our 10 year old daughter with him that night, but something in the back of his mind said "No, Don't".

If she would have been in that car, she would have surely been sitting in the front passenger side, and that is where a majority of the damage occurred, she would have been killed almost instantly.

Now, THAT is truly a wake up call of the highest order!!

So, be thankful that you have your loved ones around you because someone careless could take them from you in an instant.

Hug your children and tell them you love them every single day.

Give up the remote to your husband or wife. Kiss them. Hug them. Tell them you love them because you never know what tomorrow will bring. Or if there will even be one.

I hope that you are happy and healthy, wherever you are in the World

All My Best,

Tracy Yates
B2E Ezine Owner


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