Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Let’s Overcome Procrastination.

It’s my first time I would like to post an article here, one of my friends call Saboor was invited me to post my articles last night, I just thought to do it tomorrow if I procrastinate it tomorrow then It will never happen so that I chosen to write a little about procrastinate.

Research shows it’s usually the “harder” tasks that we don’t want to do that are imperative in helping us achieve our goals. You know why we procrastinate? Before we can solve our problem of procrastination we must understand why we do it. there are a few basic reasons I hope we all must know.
  • Feeling overwhelmed with a situation.
  • Afraid of failing.
  • Too “Busy” to get the really important things done.
  • Can’t make a decision.
  • Overworked, tired.
  • Want to avoid work you don’t like.
Each of these can be reduced down to the pleasure/pain principle which says that we do things to gain pleasure and to avoid pain.

What follows is a method to overcome procrastination on the things that matter for us.

01. Get help making decisions. Decisions are tough for me. I like to use the pro/con method and assign points. I also recommend getting help from a friend that you know is good with making decisions. Once you’ve made your decision then break it down into tasks and schedule into your calendar.

02. Get clear about what you want in life. Procrastinators, you’ll love this! Take 20-30 minutes to do this quick goal planning exercise. Write down. Once you have your list, and then do this by asking yourself, “Can I live without this?” Let your less important goals lie dormant on a “maybe” list that you can check on again in a few months.

03. Plan your day each day. This is not a big task. It should only take about 10-15 minutes of quiet time. Do the most difficult and most important things first and work your way down to the easier stuff in the afternoon. You’ll feel really good if you do this.

04. Plan your week just enough to loosely schedule in some of the big things you know you want to get done. Sometimes procrastination happens simply because a task is not scheduled.

05. Just do it, but don’t over do it. We often put pressure on ourselves to do certain tasks more often than we really need to, so give yourself a break and set a schedule for these things that is not overwhelming. Do thing on a “Need to do” basis.

  • Know your most important goals and values.
  • Only do tasks that contribute to those goals and values.
  • Plan your day & week.
  • Do, but don’t overdo. Rest when needed.
  • Break down big tasks.
  • Get help making decisions.
  • Believe in yourself

Thank you for your precious time

Good luck with all of your goals

Mohammed AI.


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