Sunday, July 6, 2008

What do you want in life?

Wouldn't it be great to have a real life that made all our wishes come true? Well, forget it. That's not going to happen in this lifetime. Opportunity must be created - not wished for. If you wait around for things to happen, don’t wait for life to happen. Get out there and be what happens to life!

If you have no plan for your life, you have planned to fail. In other words, by doing nothing, we get nothing. We are the architect of our life. An easily established plan of action we can refer to that will help us get what we want in life.

So what is your plan?

What do you really want out of your life?

And what steps will you take to achieve them?

Now, get a pen and a blank sheet of paper, write something you want in life, and write five steps you will take to accomplish your desires. Keep the list with you and concentrate on it every day. Visualize yourself already having these goals. Devote time to working on your list, accomplishing your wants and they will happen for you. But you must participate in the effort to get them and not just wait around for them to happen. Keep a smaller version of your list with you at all times and refer to it as often as you can.
So, working with your goal list every day, whatever it takes, what else can you do? Keep your goals and desires in the forefront of your mind and do whatever it takes to make them become realities.
I wish you good luck with all your desires in life


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