Sunday, September 7, 2008

The sun has gone down?

The sun has begun to go down.
The street is suddenly all alive with the air of breaking fast.
It was just another evening of Ramadhan.
Children carrying ‘kanji’ buckets were coming from the mosque.
The aroma of finely fried cutlets and patties start teasing my taste buds.
I looked at the clock in the front hall.
Still almost one hour before the calling of azan for Mahrib.
‘patties…. rolls’
A weak but energetic voice was heard.
There stood two little boys , each carrying a box on their head.
They were so thin and small in size.I saw a whole world of innocence in their large eyes.
My mother started to count the patties needed for the evening.
They start to scratch the heads.My mother asked them why they were doing so.
‘Head is burning’one boy replied.The hot shorteats must be just taken out from the sizzling oil in the vok.
I gazed at their young faces…
‘What is your name, thambi ’
I am Muhammed….
This is ahmed’ the older boy pointed his finger to the smaller one.
‘Are you schooling..I was curious.
Muhammed nodded his head.He is in grade 5 and his brother is in grade 3.
I learnt later from my mother that the boys were from the outskirt ofMawanela.Their father is a blind man and their mother had passed away.The boys’ Aunt is taking care of them and she is the one who make patties. ]
Just think a minute! Don't these kids deserve a chance to live like other kids with all the good things in life?
Just think about the amount of burden in their shoulder.
The long uncertain road spread infront of them…
Today when you sit on your dinning table just look around the food stuff…the varieties
Just open your wardrobe and see how many rich suits you own.
Imagine how much you spend for a week on Cosmetics …to beautify yourself.
Think for a second about the poor and orphan children around you.
If you have a heart….
your life will never going to be the same again.

1 Comment:

Mohammed AI said...

Very good article and thank you for posting such real article

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